Number of births
Data category: Demography
Data sets about number of births.
Birth rate per 1000 population
Data category: Demography
Data sets about birth rate per 1000 population.
Number of deaths
Data category: Demography
Data sets about number of deaths.
Mortality rate per 1000 population
Data category: Demography
Data sets about mortality rate per 1000 population.
Natural increase of population
Data category: Demography
Data sets about natural increase of population calculated from the difference between births and deaths.
Natural increase per 1000 population
Data category: Demography
Data sets about natural increase per 1000 population.
Infant (under age of 1) mortality
Data category: Demography
Data sets about infant under age of 1 mortality.
Infant (under age of 1) mortality per 1000 births
Data category: Demography
Data sets about infant under age of 1 mortality per 1000 births.
Number of children and young people (under 15)
Data category: Demography
Data sets about number of children and young people under 15.
Number of seniors (over 60 or 65)
Data category: Demography
Data sets about number of seniors over 60 or 65.
Number of people of working age
Data category: Demography
Data sets about number of people of working age.